White clothes are the best combination of clothes throughout the year, but they are not resistant to dirt. Some days when the weather is not good, it is impossible to wear white clothes when going out. After wearing white clothes, they need to be washed immediately. Moreover, white clothes can easily turn yellow after being worn for a long time. But if these four things are added to the water and washed, they will be as white as new.
White vinegar, add an appropriate amount of white vinegar to clean water, and then completely immerse the yellowed white clothes in water.
Salt, add salt to clean water to completely dissolve the salt, then soak the yellowed clothes in clean water for 10 minutes. Those yellow stains can be solved, and this also has a bactericidal effect.
Lemon juice, slice the lemon and put it into a pot to boil. Let the boiled lemon juice cool slightly until warm, then soak the yellowed clothes in it.
Orange peel, put the fresh orange peel into the pot, let the water boil for 10 minutes, then soak the yellowed clothes in it for 15 minutes, and then clean them thoroughly. The clothes will turn white. This article is originally written by Xiaoqiang Life Expert. Without authorization, it cannot be reprinted, plagiarized, or rewritten. Infringements are subject to investigation!
Although white clothes are versatile, they are always not resistant to dirt. With these things, yellowed clothes can be as white as new.